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SmartTrade Newsletter October 2016

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ss The latest SmartTrade software release is out - What's new?
The big news is you can now create invoice on SmartTrade Mobile. Find out more!
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Self-Audit Checklist. SmartForms, Go Paperless.
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If you think you could be using SmartTrade more effectively but aren't sure how please read on! SmartForms the easy and efficient way for your technicians to fill out forms in the field.
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Talk to Type. Smart Safe Backup. Laugh A Lot.
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SmartTrade Mobile works with your phone's voice recognition function. This can make data entry easy saving you precious time. Ransomware is a growing threat, we've had several customers hit recently! If you haven't got a good backup think about SmartSafe! Charlie Chaplin once said."A day without laughter is a day wasted". Don't let today get away on you without having at least one good laugh.
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