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In recent times we have added the following features/functionalities to SmartTrade.

SmartTrade Mobile

Kitsets are now available on SmartTrade Mobile making it possible for SmartTrade Mobile users to utilise this timesaving functionality in the field.

Occupants can now be synced on SmartTrade Mobile.


SmartForms are attached to jobs in SmartTrade Ultimate or Essential in the office. The jobs are then dispatched to SmartTrade Mobile users in the field who fill out and upload the forms to the cloud.
SmartTrade customers must be running version 6.1.19 of either SmartTrade Essential or Ultimate to be able to use SmartForms.

Watch this video case study with Argus Fire Protection using SmartForms

Google Calendar integration

This feature enables SmartTrade users to dispatch appointments from the SmartTrade schedule to the Google Calendar schedule on smart devices, great for sending appointments to your staff on their smart phones. It is not yet possible to sync appointments from the smart device’s Google Calendar back to the SmartTrade schedule.

Read more about the Google Calendar integration

SMS Messaging – available with SmartTrade Essential and Ultimate

We have now made SMS texting a standard feature of SmartTrade Essential and Ultimate. In earlier versions of SmartTrade Office SMS was licenced as an add-on module.

SMS users will still need to purchase SMS credits.

2012 has been a watershed year for SmartTrade as we invested heavily in redeveloping our core software, a task that will continue through 2013 as outlined below. We achieved our milestones within a month of the planned date so can justifiably claim to have done pretty well compared to most IT projects. 

Central to our redevelopment philosophy is to ensure we continue to be, arguably, the most affordable job management solution in the market.

Examples of this philosophy at work are:

    • There will be no price increase for customers who migrate to SmartTrade Essential;
    • SmartTrade Ultimate will be priced at an 0 plus GST, a 0 premium to SmartTrade EssentialSmartTrade Ultimate will incorporate a range of functionalities that we currently offer as separate modules individually priced up to 0 plus GST meaning that the price of SmartTrade Ultimate will effectively be a significant price decrease;
    • SmartTrade Mobile, designed to work on any device that can access the internet, is priced significantly below the current pricing for our existing Windows 6.5 application for PDAs;
    • Our customers will increasingly be able to optimise their purchase of SmartTrade applications to achieve the most economical solution for their needs by mixing and matching SmartTrade EssentialUltimateMobileSmartTime, and SmartForms (currently in Beta testing), plus a number of other applications we have in the pipeline;
    • SmartHost is a hosting service we offer customers who prefer not to suffer the overhead of owning and operating their own server. Thanks to the sharper prices we have negotiated with new data storage providers we have this year been able to nearly halve our price we charge for the service from /user/month to /user/month plus GST. The improved performance characteristics of our new products mean we are now able to offer our customers further cost saving opportunities for hosting services.

While our new core products remain client-server based, the base software resides in the user’s device, they are becoming increasingly web centric:

    • SmartTrade’s new core job management products SmartTrade Essential and Ultimate can operate remotely utilising web connectivity meaning they have “cloud” like functionality.

      SmartTrade Essential is a client-server (PC) application that has been developed for Microsoft Windows devices. Any portable Windows device having a connection to the internet can be setup to back to the office based Microsoft Windows device (the server).

      SmartTrade Essential can also be used remotely on an Apple PC, laptop or tablet (the client) provided you also have remote protocol (RDP). We recommend the free version of PocketCloud, a 3rd party RDP software application. The user must install PocketCloud on their Apple devices given we aren’t able to login to their Apple devices to do it for our customers. To assist customers we provide a detailed set of instructions that make it easy for users to install PocketCloud themselves. Please call our support team for assistance if you want to use SmartTrade Essential on an Apple device.

    • SmartTrade Mobile is HTML5 based and will work with any device that can connect to the internet. Accordingly, SmartTrade Mobile will work on Apple and Android devices without the need for any additional software. We have descriptions on our website showing how the above system configurations work.
      Essential diagram66
    • The new SmartTrade Mobile and SmartTime™, our mobile timekeeping application with GPS functionality that was released in May and now has more than 150 users, are both web [HTML5] based; 
    • SmartForms™, our innovative “cloud” based e-form application for mobile devices will be ideal for customers who undertake recurring compliance work. SmartForms eliminates the paper plus we have also integrated SmartTime into SmartForms enabling compliance testing staff to log their time as they start and finish each compliance job. We will shortly commence the final development work targeting a commercial release of SmartForms in early 2013. 
    • Smeedi®, an innovative electronic data interchange (EDI) product developed by Smeedi Ltd, a SmartTrade sister company, is a pure “cloud” application. Smeedi will be included as a standard feature in a future release of SmartTrade Essential as well as in SmartTrade Ultimate when it is released next year.

      EDI, primarily used to automate sending invoices, has typically been too expensive for small and medium enterprises. Smeedi now gives businesses of all sizes the opportunity to exchange invoices between supported accounting packages at a significantly lower end-to-end cost than post or even e-mail. The beauty of Smeedi is that if the invoice recipient has a supported accounting package and is a registered Smeedi user the invoice transactional data is automatically imported into the recipient’s accounting package saving on keying costs and errors. Unregistered recipients receive a notification by e-mail allowing them to either view the invoice in the Smeedi “cloud” or they can open up the pdf copy of the invoice they receive with the notification e-mail.

    • Our development pipeline will see fully "cloud" based web versions of SmartTrade Essential, Ultimate and Mobile released in the second half of 2013.