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Support for SmartTrade v5 Office/Mobile expired on 31 December 2015!

A friendly reminder to the 5% of SmartTrade users who still haven’t upgraded to the current version of SmartTrade that official support for SmartTrade v5 ended at the end of last year. This means support for all prior versions of SmartTrade has now ended.
While we will do our best to keep you up and running we can’t guarantee that the earlier software versions will continue to be compatible with the latest hardware and operating systems.
Upgrading to the current SmartTrade v6 is free, as is the training we give you to bring you up to speed with the new software.
To find out more about how to upgrade to SmartTrade v6 please contact our support team.
Phone Au 1800 350 495, NZ 0800 327 943

Posted by on in News and Announcements
Welcome to SmartTrade Support, these are the people who help you get to know your way around SmartTrade and also offer continuous support along the way. 


kevin Kevin Greenfield - Support Manager
Kevin Greenfield is Mr SmartTrade when it comes to knowing how SmartTrade works. Having been with SmartTrade for more than 10 years he’s provided support to thousands of SmartTrade making him the person SmartTrade users know the best.

Kevin has had a vast range of management experience in various service industries including printing and advertising.

Kevin is married with two grown up daughters and 3 wonderful grandchildren. He enjoys spending time with his wife and family and also getting creative in the kitchen. He’s also just finished building a new house.

Sivadas Sivadas Govindan - SmartTrade Support
Since joining SmartTrade in 2012 Sivadas has developed a deep understanding of how SmartTrade works making him an invaluable member of the support team. Next to Kevin he’s the person SmartTrade users ask for the most when seeking an answer to a functionality question

Prior to joining SmartTrade Sivadas worked in telecommunications, sales and support.

Sivadas is married with an 18 months old son. He enjoys spending time with his family and also playing and watching cricket and badminton.


A couple of Kiwi vs Aussie jokes to finish off with.
First the Aussie gets one over the Kiwi!

An Australian ventriloquist visiting New Zealand sees a farmer sitting on his front veranda patting his dog. He figures he'll have a little fun, so he stops and says to the farmer'G'day, mind if I talk to your dog?'  
Farmer: 'The dog doesn't talk, you stupid Aussie.' 
Ventriloquist: 'Hello dog, how's it going mate?' 
Dog: 'Yeah, doin' all right.' 

Farmer: (look of extreme shock)  
Ventriloquist: 'Is this your owner?' (pointing at the farmer) 
Dog: 'Yep'

Ventriloquist: 'How does he treat you?'  
Dog: 'Yeah, real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me 
great food 
and takes me to the lake once a week to play.'  
Farmer: (look of utter disbelief) 
Ventriloquist: 'Mind if I talk to your horse?' 
Farmer: 'Uh, the horse doesn't talk either...I think.'  
Ventriloquist: 'Hey horse, how's it going?' 
Horse: 'Cool'

Farmer: (absolutely dumbfounded)  
Ventriloquist: 'Is this your owner?' (Pointing at the farmer)  
Horse: 'Yep'

How does he treat you?’  
Horse: 'Pretty good, thanks for asking. He rides me regularly
brushes me down often and keeps me in the shed to protect me from the elements.'

Farmer: (total look of amazement)  
Ventriloquist: 'Mind if I talk to your sheep?' 
Farmer: (in a panic) 'The sheep's a f---in' liar......

But the Kiwi gets one back!                                                     

A Kiwi wanted to become an Englishman, so he visited a doctor to find out how to go about this.
"Well" said the doctor, this will require a very delicate operation and there is a lot that can go wrong. I will have to remove half your brain.
That's OK said the Kiwi. I've always wanted to be an Englishman so I'm prepared to take the risk.
The operation went ahead but the patient woke to find a look of horror on the face of the doctor.
I'm so terribly sorry!!!’the doctor said. Instead of removing half the brain, I've taken the whole brain out!!!’.
The patient replied, No worries cobber, she’ll be apples!!!’.
New functionality list for mobile and version 6 users.

Listed below you will find a new set of functions and features now available to all those using SmartTrade Mobile and SmartTrade Version 6.

V6 essential and ultimate
  • Sub Jobs. Now you have the ability to create sub-jobs . They are a complete stand-alone job, but can share the same job number plus a unique identifier for each sub-job. To create a sub-job, edit the job and click Other action => Create sub-job

  • Ability to unaccept a quote. This will allow you to change the quote before accepting it again, or accept a different quote. 

  • Job Pictures. Photo capture for Jobs.

  • Ability to Create new Quote jobs on your device, or dispatch existing Quote jobs to your device that either have or don’t have an accepted quote. The Add Job page on mobile asks if you want to add a Quote job or a Charge-up job.

  • Ability to Add/ Edit / Delete Costing line items for a Quote job.

  • Ability to Create a new Quote on mobile.

  • Ability to Find Clients that are not currently on your mobile device and download them to your device. This would then allow you to add a new job for the client and/or view all details for the client including notes and customisable fields.  If a client is downloaded to your mobile device, ALL the sites for the client will be downloaded. Each client has an action to allow you to no longer keep the client on your mobile device, e.g. if you only downloaded it temporarily to view some details for it.

All forms linked to a job, or linked to an asset which is linked to a job can have any or all of the following flags. These flags are maintained in the office. Forms that are not applicable will not be sent to the mobile devices. The flags are:
  • Form is mandatory

  • Form will pop-up when the job is opened on the mobile device

  • Form is not applicable for this job.

There have been many more additions to this list however these are the ones we felt were most anticipated. 
Read more about the full list of recent features and upgrades please click here.

Because our customer service team is often the first point of contact between your business and SmartTrade so we thought it was about time you saw who you were talking to. 

shane Shane Jefferys - Customer Support Facilitator

Shane’s a recent recruit brought into the SmartTrade team to fill the role of Customer Support Facilitator.

Shane’s usually your first point of contact when you call SmartTrade, if he can’t answer your question he will put you in touch with the person who can.
Outside of work Shane’s heavily involved in theatre, in the New Year he will playing a leading part in the Auckland Theatre Group’s production of Pride and Prejudice.
shree Sheree Mckillop - Accounts Manager 
Sheree’s the Accounts Manager here at SmartTrade dealing with anything from invoicing and payment plans to sales and general help inquiries. Sheree’s been with SmartTrade since 2003 so it's safe to say she knows her way around the system. So if you have any invoicing queries, payments that need sorting or just need general help with SmartTrade Sheree’s more than capable to deal with whatever comes her way.
When she’s not at work she can often be found enjoying Auckland’s spectacular and rugged west coast beaches. Sheree loves her dogs, she even did a degree in canine management, so walks on the beach are mandatory. Grumpy, one of her dogs famously can collect beers from the bar, then return to pay the tab – seeing is believing!

michelle Michelle Davis - Key Customer Manager
Michelle’s our Key Account Manager primarily spending her time working with SmartTrade users to show just how effective SmartTrade can be. Michelle worked for SmartTrade from 2002 to 2005 before returning to the SmartTrade fold earlier this year. Coming from a family civil engineering business Michelle has extensive experience in construction and trade services including the marine industry so has an excellent insight into how SmartTrade can fit into a range of businesses.
Outside of work Michelle’s family is involved in offshore power boat racing with a boat in the NZ Offshore Power Boat Racing’s Classic Class Series